About SLAA Ontario

S.L.A.A. Ontario Intergroup

Ontario Intergroup is a non-governing, coordinating body that meets regularly to address issues of concern and business of S.L.A.A. groups in Ontario. Representatives from groups throughout Ontario attend Intergroup meetings and participate in service work for the fellowship.

Intergroup Meetings

Intergroup meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM (except: July, August and December). For meeting details, contact your Intergroup Representative or the Intergroup Secretary at slaaonigsecretary@gmail.com. All members of our fellowship are welcome to attend. Please note only those with Service Positions may vote.

Intergroup Representatives

Does your group have an Intergroup Representative? It is highly recommended that every group appoint an intergroup representative so that your group has a voice in S.L.A.A. matters and has access to the most current information regarding S.L.A.A. The Intergroup Representative position has a two-year term and has a suggested sobriety requirement of 3 months. Doing service at the Intergroup level is a great opportunity to give back to the fellowship. For more information, please contact any of the trusted members of Intergroup and discuss at your group’s business meeting.

Intergroup Committees

Intergroup works through committees and service positions responsible for such activities as:

  • ByLaws Committee
  • Web site Committee
  • Spring Retreat Committee
  • Fall Conference Committee
  • Phone Line and Public Service Coordinator
  • Literature Representative

Meet Your Intergroup Officers

Intergroup Chair: Irene M 

  • Presides at all Intergroup meetings
  • Facilitates process of determining informed group conscience
  • Does not vote except to break a tie
  • Delegates duties to any individual officers and those holding service positions
  • Sets the agenda for each Intergroup meeting 
  • Has signing authority for Intergroup on Intergroup’s bank account
  • Calls special meetings, if necessary
  • Is an ex-officio member of all committees
  • Submits an electronic copy of any reports, agendas etc.,to the secretary who maintains a permanent record
  • Facilitates process of updating bylaws when needed.

Vice Chair: Brigitte F. , slaaonvicechair@gmail.com

  • Presides at all Intergroup meetings in the absence of the Chair.
  • Assumes all other responsibilities in the absence of the Chair.

Secretary: Andrea O.slaaonigsecretary@gmail.com

  • Takes minutes of all regular and special meetings.
  • In the event of the absence of the Secretary, the Chair shall appoint a temporary Secretary for that particular meeting.
  • Distributes minutes to Intergroup officers and those holding other service positions, IR’s and others in the Fellowship requesting copies.
  • Notifies all members of upcoming meetings by sending minutes and the agenda at least one (1) week prior to the next meeting.
  • Distributes reports to be discussed at the next meeting at least two (2) days before the meeting.
  • Submits minutes for approval at each business meeting of Intergroup
  • Maintains an up-to-date meeting list of member groups and forwards list to the Website Administrator to be posted on the website.
  • Maintains an accurate, updated record of the full name, email address, and telephone number of each person holding a service position, officer, IR and alternate IR.
  • Keeps Intergroup accurately registered with Fellowship-Wide Services.
  • Maintains an electronic copy of all reports, agendas, minutes, conference and special event material for archival purposes.
  • At the end of the term, works with the incoming Secretary in transferring the duties and all material, including past minutes and archived items, relating to the service position.

Treasurer: Michelle F.slaaontreasurer@gmail.com

  • Has signing authority and maintains a chequing account for Ontario Intergroup of S.L.A.A.
  • Maintains a detailed accounting ledger of the financial activities of Intergroup.
  • Pays all authorized Intergroup expenses.
  • Submits a monthly report to Intergroup showing donations received, total expenses, cash balance, any outstanding debtts owed by Intergroup, and net balance.
  • When necessary, reports on projected expenditures.
  • Submits an annual financial report.
  • Acts as a financial advisor to all Intergroup committees.
  • Makes recommendations for contributions to FWS and transfers all funds collected for FWS to them.
  • Submits an electronic copy of all Treasurer’s reports to the secretary archivist to maintain a permanent record.
  • At the end of their term, works with the incoming Treasurer and transfers the duties and all material relating to the service position.

Literature Coordinator: Rob H, slaa.ont.lit@gmail.com

  • Maintains a chequing account in the name of Ontario Intergroup of S.L.A.A. Literature account.
  • Maintains a record of the financial activities of the literature account.
  • Submits a monthly financial and inventory report to Intergroup.
  • Keeps current with all S.L.A.A. conference-approved literature.
  • Makes conference-approved literature available to S.L.A.A. groups.
  • Transfers funds above prudent reserve to the Treasurer for deposit to the general Intergroup bank account.
  • Submits an electronic copy of all reports to the secretary to maintain a permanent record.

Outreach, Phone Line and Public Service Coordinator: Tom S. contactslaaontario@gmail.com

  • Is familiar with S.L.A.A. guidelines and traditions, including anonymity, speaking to the public and the media.
  • Recruits and maintains volunteers from S.L.A.A. to return phone calls in a timely manner from those seeking information, meetings, literature, etc.
  • Keeps a log of all phone line volunteers and types of calls received on a monthly basis
  • Provides a report monthly to Intergroup.
  • Acts as liaison with the public and media in accordance with the Twelve Traditions and S.L.A.A. guidelines.
  • Provides information about S.L.A.A. and meetings.

Web Administrator: Carter G,  slaawebon@gmail.com

  • Maintains the S.L.A.A. Intergroup web page with up-to-date information on meetings, events, Intergroup meetings, etc.
  • Ensures electronic mail sent to Intergroup is forwarded tot the appropriate person in a timely manner.
  • Works with the Treasurer to administer online payments for events, including the annual conference and retreat.
  • The term of office is two years.

FWS Delegate: John F.

  • S.L.A.A. Ontario Intergroup shall elect a delegate to act as liaison to FWS according to the current FWS Bylaws.
  • It is suggested that the delegate have one year of recent service to S.L.A.A. beyond the group level and must attend regular Intergroup meetings during their term.
  • The delegate shall submit a written summary report on the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) to Intergroup, and an accounting of funds spent within 30 days of the ABM.
  • The delegate shall be elected for a two-year term of office, as suggested by FWS, in November of even-numbered years, Ontario Intergroup of S.L.A.A. Bylaws 2012, Page 9.

By-laws Committee Chair: Jim D, slaaontario.bylawchair@gmail.com

  • Each committee shall be chaired by a committee chair elected/appointed by Intergroup for a period of one year (renewable).
  • Chairs are responsible for the function of the committee and assuring that the mandate is followed
  • The chair is expected to attend monthly Intergroup meetings and make a monthly report on activities and expenditures.
  • Works with Intergroup Treasurer on financial matters
  • The committee chair shall submit to the Secretary any material from the committee for use by future committees.

Spring Retreat Chair: Vacant, but available for Spring 2025!

  • Each committee shall be chaired by a committee chair elected/appointed by Intergroup for a period of one year.
  • Chairs are responsible for the function of the committee and assuring that the mandate is followed
  • The chair is expected to attend monthly Intergroup meetings and present a monthly report on activities and expenditures.
  • Works with Intergroup Treasurer on financial matters
  • Within 30 days of the completion of committee work, the committee chair shall submit a final written report, including financial information.
  • The committee chair shall submit to the Secretary any material from the committee for use by future committees.

Fall Conference Chair: Jeff H., slaaontfallconferencechair@gmail.com

  • Each committee shall be chaired by a committee chair elected/appointed by Intergroup for a period of one year.
  • Chairs are responsible for the function of the committee and assuring that the mandate is followed
  • The chair is expected to attend monthly Intergroup meetings and present a monthly report on activities and expenditures.
  • Works with Intergroup Treasurer on financial matters
  • Within 30 days of the completion of committee work, the committee chair shall submit a final written report, including financial information.
  • The committee chair shall submit to the Secretary any material from the committee for use by future committees.

What does S.L.A.A. Ontario Intergroup do with contributions?

Our 7th Tradition states “every S.L.A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Groups typically have a prudent reserve that covers two months rent and literature. Anything over and above that can be transferred to S.L.A.A. Ontario Intergroup. Funds collected from meetings and individual members are used to carry out service work, fund committee activities and events and also provide funding to Fellowship Wide Services (FWS), when feasible. Please see below for list of our activities.

  • Maintain a current meeting list on our web site.
  • Hold a one day conference in the fall, as well as a an annual weekend Spring Retreat.
  • Provide a forum for participating groups where they share ideas and provide suggestions for growth and unity of S.L.A.A. within Ontario.
  •  Assist new groups in Ontario.
  • Maintain a P.O. box and telephone service (Hotline) to receive inquiries from newcomers.
  • Connect inquirer with experienced, sober member of S.L.A.A. who would encourage or take the newcomer to his/her first meeting.
  • Disseminate meeting lists, information and literature to the professional community such as hospitals, penal institutions, correctional facilities, mental health clinics, rehabilitation facilities, courts, juvenile homes and family shelters/residences.
  • Hold a monthly meeting of intergroup officers where group representatives are encouraged to participate. Intergroup provides an opportunity for those interested in service work beyond the local group level. Intergroup establishes a regional consensus or group conscience affecting S.L.A.A. as a whole.
  • Provide S.L.A.A. conference-approved literature and material available to all S.L.A.A. groups at cost, plus shipping.
  • Elect an FWS Delegate, whose responsibility is to maintain a connection with the International S.L.A.A. organization, (FWS – Fellowship Wide Services). We endeavor to send our delegate to the Annual Business Meeting held annually.
  • When fiscally possible, Intergroup endeavors to forward 40% of the contributions we receive to our International S.L.A.A. Organization, Fellowship Wide Services. The remaining 60% is used to fund outreach, literature, conferences, spring retreats, new meeting start up support, and sending our FWS delegate to the SLAA Annual Business Meeting.

