Re: Proposed By-laws – Full Document

The By-Laws Committee is submitting a full version of the by-laws document for your final consideration. As a reminder, each of these sections has already been approved by Intergroup.

We are seeking approval of the full by-laws document at the September Intergroup meeting. Please review this full document and send any questions, comments, corrections by 10 September 2024, to the By-laws Committee Chair ( and indicate page and paragraph related to the comment.

Note a few changes have been made to the sections since they were separately approved. In particular:

  1. Small changes in text to correct verb tense, spelling, consistency etc., have been made but have not been noted in this document – these revisions made no substantial change to the overall document.
  2. Section 2.15 e) was not included before. The draft of this subsection included here is the same as that circulated in June to Intergroup (included in red text). Two comments were received; one was a small typo that has been corrected,
    and the other is not included here (for consistency between the versions) but will be discussed at the September Intergroup meeting.
  3. Additional text was added in a couple of other spots. Again, these are included in red text, so they are easy to identify.
    Please review the whole document carefully as these by-laws will be used to aid in the operation of Intergroup.

For comparison purposes, the full version of the current by-laws is available on the S.L.A.A. Ontario Intergroup website or by contacting the by-laws chair.

We have endeavoured to maintain the essence of both the existing by-laws and the motions passed since the by-laws were accepted in 2012.

I look forward to your feedback!

Thank you for your help!
Jim D.
By-laws Committee Chair